Creativity has two parts: thinking, then producing. Innovation is embedded in the creative process. It is the implementation of creative inspiration. ~Linda Naiman
I work with a bunch of people I would classify as creatives types, as artists. These people are not recognized as creative types by society nor would I say they classify themselves as artists. They are Engineers people often viewed as left brain (logical) as people can be. However, what society and they frequently fail to grasp is that these Engineers are very creative in their solutions to solving problems. In fact, their value to the company is directly proportional to the extent they employ their creative gifts. It takes someone creativity to design a software component to seamlessly fit into a system with a minimum amount of code and maximum reusability.
If the work a person produces is a result of their creativity then they are artists. It doesn't matter that the medium is not one traditionally viewed as in the realm of artists.
In the modern world, the most valuable employees are artists that produce unique solutions to problems resulting in unique products that satisfy the needs of and appeal to end users. Their medium is the bits and bytes of software development, the ability to create test scenarios that shake out the most challenging of defects, leadership that nurtures an environment where creativity flourishes.
Creativity is so important in the modern work world that I will not even consider hiring anyone that doesn't relish being creative. My hiring criteria now requires that the individual views their work as art and themselves as artists.
Artists understand that their work, their art is a craft that forever needs developing and, if they fail to continually hone their abilities, they will lose the edge that allows them to perform at the highest levels, they may even lose their ability to create their art.
It isn't just Engineers that can be artists. Work as art is available to teachers, nurses, and craftsman. Work as art is also within the reach to those of us in Managerial roles. Work as art is a mindset.
I view my leadership skills as the medium in which I express my art. To grow my art, I have been on a quest for the past 21 years to improve my ability to lead people. I have immersed myself deep in the topic. I have read countless books on the subject, continually explore new leadership ideas by reading blogs and watching videos, and attend an annual two day leadership summit to learn from some of the greatest leaders in the world.
More importantly, I take those things I learn, separate the wheat from the chaff, and apply what I have learned to the groups of people I am privileged to lead. As I see it, my primary duties are to create an environment where the artists can flourish, where the artists are free to create the unique art each is capable of expressing and to help them view themselves as artists and encourage them to create masterpieces.
It is only by continually developing my leadership skills, my art that I can create my masterpiece in which others can experience their own work as art.
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