
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Infinite Possibilities

I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. ~Robert Frost

Since the moment we were born, we have made choices. At any given instant in our lives, we make a choice, a choice that excludes every other possible choice at that given moment. Those other choices, the ones not taken can never be made again for the exact same set of circumstances has come and gone. The choice we make, the road we take, determines the the next set of choices we will face, a set of choices that is there only by the virtue of our previous choice. Since the moment of our birth, the choices we have made have set us upon the path we are now walking. It is our path, our one and only path, the path we chose out of an infinite possibilities of paths that has brought us to this point in our existence, a point where we have before us infinite choices, infinite paths to travel on as we live our life of infinite possibilities.

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