
Monday, October 3, 2011

A Passage to India

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. - Lao Tzu

I have alluded a few times in my blogs about taking a delegation to India. I found out today that the delegation is not a plan being put into action rather an idea being bandied about by upper management. The question asking me if I was interested was more or less a fishing expedition. I am not really surprised at learning this today. It is common for Sr Management to consider possible programs as a way to improve the bottom line of the business.

Though not surprised, I am a bit disappointed. A delegation to another country is something I have been actively pursuing for the past few years. I have thrown my hat into the ring for a few opportunities, most recently in a Project Manager role in Switzerland, none of which has come to fruition. A delegation to a foreign country coincides perfectly with my most prominent business interests. These interests were piqued by my business trips to Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and three times to India about four years ago. During that time, I took classes on cultures of those countries and have since been fascinated by the prospect of working with other cultures. I have considered pursuing an MBA with a specialty in International Business. I haven't pursued the MBA because it's expensive and I have no desire to return to doing homework.

For me, a delegation would be a dream come true, the opportunity of a lifetime. That the delegation in question happens to be in India, is the icing on the cake, the cherry on the Sundae. For it is a culture that is as different from mine as a man is from a woman. The difference is not one that separates rather one that powerfully draws the two together and I have been powerfully drawn to her since we first met 5 years ago. The differences are complimentary with neither being complete until they are intertwined.

The possibility of a delegation to India is not dead but now seems to be unlikely. I will learn more when Sr. Management meets again at the end of the month. Stay tuned.


  1. That's a bummer to hear. I would continue to push for it because, as you said, it IS an opportunity of a lifetime. An opportunity that you should NOT pass up should it become available.

  2. Jack - I have not given up. :-)
